El Artista Cigars may be the last hidden gem in the cigar industry. Nestled in the Cibao region of Dominican Republic the third-generation family-owned factory known as Tabacalera El Artista (TEA) has been growing tobacco and rolling cigars for nearly 65 years. TEA is a massive operation: 3,500 acres
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of tobacco on more than 60 farms in Dominican Republic and Ecuador. Additionally, the company owns several warehouses, five tobacco sorting and fermentation facilities, and one cigar factory in Tambóril, DR. Even though TEA is a top producer in the Caribbean, cigar consumers in the US are forgiven for not knowing them as a juggernaut in the industry.
El Artista Cigars may be the last hidden gem in the cigar industry. Nestled in the Cibao region of Dominican Republic the third-generation family-owned factory known as Tabacalera El Artista (TEA) has been growing tobacco and rolling cigars for nearly 65 years. TEA is a massive operation: 3,500 acres
Number of Products: 40
Average Price: USD$ 9.73
Rating: 90.4% (19)