Distributed by United Cigars, the Atabey cigar is a premium brand from Selected Tobacco. The man behind Selected Tobacco, Nelson Alfonso, is no stranger to top-shelf cigar collaborations. He has worked on branding for Cohiba, Padrón, and other highly respected names. But Alfonso’s efforts go far beyond
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design work, as he has created numerous quality brands through his Selected Tobacco company. Among them is the United Cigars Atabey, produced at his Tabacos de Costa Rica factory in Costa Rica.
The Atabey cigar is named for the supreme goddess of the now-extinct Taíno people, indigenous to the Caribbean Islands. To the Taíno, Atabey was not only the world’s first female—she also gave birth to their primary male god, Yucahu. Atabey is a goddess who oversees lakes, rivers, and water in general. She was considered a driving force in agriculture, including the cultivation of tobacco.
At the heart of the extremely limited United Cigars Atabey cigar is a secret blend of high-end tobaccos wrapped up in an aged golden Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper.
The Atabey cigar is named for the supreme goddess of the now-extinct Taíno people, indigenous to the Caribbean Islands. To the Taíno, Atabey was not only the world’s first female—she also gave birth to their primary male god, Yucahu. Atabey is a goddess who oversees lakes, rivers, and water in general. She was considered a driving force in agriculture, including the cultivation of tobacco.
At the heart of the extremely limited United Cigars Atabey cigar is a secret blend of high-end tobaccos wrapped up in an aged golden Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper.
Distributed by United Cigars, the Atabey cigar is a premium brand from Selected Tobacco. The man behind Selected Tobacco, Nelson Alfonso, is no stranger to top-shelf cigar collaborations. He has worked on branding for Cohiba, Padrón, and other highly respected names. But Alfonso’s efforts go far beyond
Number of Products: 14
Average Price: USD$ 30.93
Rating: 91.9% (17)