A modern take on a classic heritage brand: Cabañas, has been introduced by JR Cigar. Handcrafted in Nicaragua by Don Pepin Garcia, this cigar uses some of the most exclusive and aged Cuban seed tobaccos grown in Nicaragua to recreate thetraditional experience.
Crafted exclusively for JR Cigar, these
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Crafted exclusively for JR Cigar, these
beauties are expertly fashioned in four stunning sizes at the renowned My Father Cigars™ factory in Nicaragua. The rolling journey starts with fully aged filler tobaccos then each cigar is covered by a dual binder consisting of top-quality Jalapa and Estelí leaves, and finished with a stunning reddish-brown Habano Rosado wrapper. Solidly packed, slow burning, and flawlessly rolled, Cabañas™ cigars provide a medium to full bodied smoke that produces rich complex flavors of coffee, molasses, roasted peanuts, and a touch of spice.
A modern take on a classic heritage brand: Cabañas, has been introduced by JR Cigar. Handcrafted in Nicaragua by Don Pepin Garcia, this cigar uses some of the most exclusive and aged Cuban seed tobaccos grown in Nicaragua to recreate thetraditional experience.
Crafted exclusively for JR Cigar, these
Crafted exclusively for JR Cigar, these
Number of Products: 7