Camacho Cigars was founded by Simon Camacho who was exiled to the United States from Cuba in 1961. Following his exile, he opened a cigar factory in Miami, Florida where he called home. This is where the distinguished Camacho Cigars brand began. Camacho soon gained a prominent reputation with aficionados
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within the States and beyond. Camacho Cigar production reached 2 to 3 million cigars per year and continued to grow through the 1990's. In 1995, the Eiroa family acquired the Camacho brand. Now part of the Davidoff of Geneva, Camacho Cigars is based in Danli, Honduras and specializes in authentic handmade Cuban seed cigars. In the early 2000's, Camacho released the much anticipated Corojo Wrapper which was the final push to become a major player in the industry. Top quality hand selected tobaccos and blends, unwavering attention to details and bold marketing campaigns have made the Camacho brand a real powerhouse in the cigar world.
Camacho Cigars was founded by Simon Camacho who was exiled to the United States from Cuba in 1961. Following his exile, he opened a cigar factory in Miami, Florida where he called home. This is where the distinguished Camacho Cigars brand began. Camacho soon gained a prominent reputation with aficionados
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