In celebration of J.C. Newman Cigar Company’s 100th Anniversary in 1995, Stanford Newman joined Carlos Fuente, Sr., to develop an exceptional series of Super Premium cigars. Stanford dreamed of making the best cigar in the world with no regard for how long it would take or how much it would cost, his
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dream was realized in the Diamond Crown cigar.
In the early 1990’s, the largest handmade cigars ranged from a 50-52 ring gauge. Despite this, Stanford decided that every Diamond Crown cigar should be made with a 54-ring gauge, allowing cigar rollers to blend 6 to 7 individual tobacco leaves together delivering the richest, yet most consistent full flavor possible. Handmade in the Dominican Republic by the world-renowned Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia, Diamond Crown cigars are rolled by the very best Master Rollers and undergo rigid quality standards before public release.
Each Diamond Crown cigar passes through three inspections and is aged in lots of 50 in cedar curing rooms for a minimum of twelve months. Additionally, Carlos Fuente selected only the most skilled cigar makers for Diamond Crown, paying them a fixed top rate of pay. Therefore, Diamond Crown cigar maker’s incentive is to make the best, rather than the most cigars.
In the early 1990’s, the largest handmade cigars ranged from a 50-52 ring gauge. Despite this, Stanford decided that every Diamond Crown cigar should be made with a 54-ring gauge, allowing cigar rollers to blend 6 to 7 individual tobacco leaves together delivering the richest, yet most consistent full flavor possible. Handmade in the Dominican Republic by the world-renowned Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia, Diamond Crown cigars are rolled by the very best Master Rollers and undergo rigid quality standards before public release.
Each Diamond Crown cigar passes through three inspections and is aged in lots of 50 in cedar curing rooms for a minimum of twelve months. Additionally, Carlos Fuente selected only the most skilled cigar makers for Diamond Crown, paying them a fixed top rate of pay. Therefore, Diamond Crown cigar maker’s incentive is to make the best, rather than the most cigars.
In celebration of J.C. Newman Cigar Company’s 100th Anniversary in 1995, Stanford Newman joined Carlos Fuente, Sr., to develop an exceptional series of Super Premium cigars. Stanford dreamed of making the best cigar in the world with no regard for how long it would take or how much it would cost, his
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