LaMirada Cigar Company were founded with one goal in mind: providing high-quality, competively priced, and consistent cigars. Their passion for excellence has driven this company cigar from the beginning, and continues to drive them into the future. They know that every minute counts, and strive to make
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the entire cigar experience as rewarding as possible. The new LaMirada Habano Viejo uses an Ecuadorian habano wrapper over a Dominican corojo binder and Dominican criollo 98 and piloto cubano fillers. Like the original LaMirada Connecticut, it is made by Tabacalera Palma in the Dominican Republic.
LaMirada Cigar Company were founded with one goal in mind: providing high-quality, competively priced, and consistent cigars. Their passion for excellence has driven this company cigar from the beginning, and continues to drive them into the future. They know that every minute counts, and strive to make
Number of Products: 4
Average Price: USD$ 9.60