Emperors Cut
Emperors-Cut cigar was conceived to be a boutique cigar that represents the best natural cigar blend in the industry. They have spent many years searching for the right blend and taste profile for our cigar. They wanted to create a cigar that the average person would be excited about smoking everyday
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instead of once a month because of price. Emperors Cut cigar represents the best natural cigar blend in the industry.
The Emperors Cut is handmade in Nicaragua. Its Nicaraguan wrapper is placed over an Ecuadorian binder and Nicaraguan fillers. It is medium to full-bodied in profile and contains notes of coffee, leather, and aromatic spice.
The Emperors Cut is handmade in Nicaragua. Its Nicaraguan wrapper is placed over an Ecuadorian binder and Nicaraguan fillers. It is medium to full-bodied in profile and contains notes of coffee, leather, and aromatic spice.
Emperors-Cut cigar was conceived to be a boutique cigar that represents the best natural cigar blend in the industry. They have spent many years searching for the right blend and taste profile for our cigar. They wanted to create a cigar that the average person would be excited about smoking everyday
Number of Products: 9