Fuerte (Fortaleza) y Libre
Handmade in the Dominican Republic with each blend offering a unique homage to traditional Cuban blends. In 2013, with cigar lit and drink in hand, they hatched the idea of starting a brand of cigars that would exemplify the Strength and Freedom that define America. They spent the next five years covering
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the bases of building a business, while also smoking a lot of cigars, to define what palate their blends would speak to. This journey of taste led them to Tamboril known to many as the “World Capital of Cigars”.
As you smoke Fuerte y Libre cigars you will see why farming is so important to the flavor of a fine cigar. The heart of our cigars and our business resides in the fields that grow our tobaccos.
As you smoke Fuerte y Libre cigars you will see why farming is so important to the flavor of a fine cigar. The heart of our cigars and our business resides in the fields that grow our tobaccos.
Handmade in the Dominican Republic with each blend offering a unique homage to traditional Cuban blends. In 2013, with cigar lit and drink in hand, they hatched the idea of starting a brand of cigars that would exemplify the Strength and Freedom that define America. They spent the next five years covering
Number of Products: 14
Average Price: USD$ 11.13
Rating: 84.0% (1)