Gispert (Non Cuban)
The Gispert brand is getting a dark, full-bodied addition to its fairly mild line. Altadis U.S.A. and its Grupo de Maestro team of blenders have collaborated with Nicaraguan cigar maker A.J. Fernandez to create Gispert Intenso, a stronger counterpart to the existing Gispert brand.
Made in Nicaragua,
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Made in Nicaragua,
Gispert Intenso consists of a dark, Connecticut broadleaf wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and hearty Nicaraguan and Dominican filler tobacco. The bold packaging design is indicative of the cigars within—dark and alluring with large typeface fonts and eye-catching accents.
The Gispert brand currently on the market is far milder. It consists of an Ecuadoran Connecticut wrapper around a blend of less powerful Honduran and Nicaraguan tobacco. Those are made in Altadis’s Flor de Copan factory in Honduras. The new full-bodied Gispert Intenso goes in the opposite direction and is another recent example of Altadis’s willingness to partner with other cigar makers for novel interpretations of its heritage brand.
The Gispert brand currently on the market is far milder. It consists of an Ecuadoran Connecticut wrapper around a blend of less powerful Honduran and Nicaraguan tobacco. Those are made in Altadis’s Flor de Copan factory in Honduras. The new full-bodied Gispert Intenso goes in the opposite direction and is another recent example of Altadis’s willingness to partner with other cigar makers for novel interpretations of its heritage brand.
The Gispert brand is getting a dark, full-bodied addition to its fairly mild line. Altadis U.S.A. and its Grupo de Maestro team of blenders have collaborated with Nicaraguan cigar maker A.J. Fernandez to create Gispert Intenso, a stronger counterpart to the existing Gispert brand.
Made in Nicaragua,
Made in Nicaragua,
Number of Products: 10
Average Price: USD$ 5.31
Rating: 86.6% (16)