Aging Room cigars are totally unique in that they utilize small amounts of very special tobacco leaves that aren’t plentiful enough for regular production. This ensures a one-of-a-kind, exclusive, and rare product that you simply won’t find in too many places. Scarcity breeds demand, and when you
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couple that fact with the undeniable tastiness of the cigars themselves, you have a real winner on your hands. Aging Room Havao opens with a gorgeous, Connecticut Ecuadorian wrapper leaf that delivers plenty of peppery notes of spice and an underlying creamy character. The filler blend also contributes generously to the overall experience, with Dominican-grown Habano criollo. The burn is long and cool, and a careful construction guarantees a perfect draw.
Aging Room cigars are totally unique in that they utilize small amounts of very special tobacco leaves that aren’t plentiful enough for regular production. This ensures a one-of-a-kind, exclusive, and rare product that you simply won’t find in too many places. Scarcity breeds demand, and when you
Number of Products: 4
Average Price: USD$ 8.60
Rating: 89.0% (2)