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When one thinks of Italy, premium cigar tobacco is usually not the first thing that comes to mind. But for CAO, so accustomed to pushing the boundaries of flavor, this is where they discovered some of their best, and most unique, tobaccos. This particular tobaccos is grown in the Benevento region of
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Italy and offers an enjoyable sweetness backed ever so slightly by toasted earthiness. When combined with a luscious, dark Habano-seed wrapper leaf grown in Honduras, and a select blend of fine filler leave tobaccos from Nicaragua and Peru, you’ll find an intricate 4-country blend that’s incredibly rich, robust, and complex. 
When one thinks of Italy, premium cigar tobacco is usually not the first thing that comes to mind. But for CAO, so accustomed to pushing the boundaries of flavor, this is where they discovered some of their best, and most unique, tobaccos. This particular tobaccos is grown in the Benevento region of
Number of Products: 7
Average Price: USD$ 6.50
Rating: 88.8% (14)
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