The story of JR Cigar begins on March 10, 1970, when Lew Rothman opened the doors to his new retail store on Sixth Avenue and 46th Street in New York City. Rothman saw the success that local grocery stores had with selling cigars and decided to open his own store that specialized in cigars. Rothman,
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JR Cigar became a destination for consumers seeking out different cigar brands like Te-Amo and Bering. The first sale that Rothman made was for a 10-pack of Tijuana Smalls Aromatic cigars, a tipped-cigar that sold for 29 cents a pack.
As the 1970s progressed, Rothman continued to grow and expand the JR Cigar brand. With brands like Macanudo, Hoyo de Monterrey, Punch and Royal Jamaica, Rothman was able to transform his retail operation and offer its customers even more value through its own branded products, such as the JR Alternative. Launched in 1975, JR Alternative was conceived as a cigar that imitated the taste of some of the most popular cigars of the time.
As the 1970s progressed, Rothman continued to grow and expand the JR Cigar brand. With brands like Macanudo, Hoyo de Monterrey, Punch and Royal Jamaica, Rothman was able to transform his retail operation and offer its customers even more value through its own branded products, such as the JR Alternative. Launched in 1975, JR Alternative was conceived as a cigar that imitated the taste of some of the most popular cigars of the time.
The story of JR Cigar begins on March 10, 1970, when Lew Rothman opened the doors to his new retail store on Sixth Avenue and 46th Street in New York City. Rothman saw the success that local grocery stores had with selling cigars and decided to open his own store that specialized in cigars. Rothman,
Number of Products: 141
Average Price: USD$ 12.61
Rating: 91.0% (9)