Rancho Luna originally made its debut in 2015 as a brand showcased by CLE Cigar Company. Early in 2016, Julio and Justo Eiroa formed JRE Tobacco Company and the Rancho Luna, Tatascan, and Aladino brands would follow them there. Since the sale of Camacho, Julio Eiroa has continued to own and operate the
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Eiroa Tobacco Farm in the Jamastran Valley of Honduras. With the launch of JRE Tobacco, Julio would once again add the hat of brand owner back to his many roles. He would also bring in his son Justo to help him run the Eiroa Tobacco Farm and JRE Tobacco.
As mentioned, Rancho Luna was originally unveiled by CLE Cigar Company. It was originally positioned as a one blend offering sold in bundle packs. Once it came under JRE Tobacco’s umbrella, the brand was revamped into two new blends – a Habano and Maduro.
As mentioned, Rancho Luna was originally unveiled by CLE Cigar Company. It was originally positioned as a one blend offering sold in bundle packs. Once it came under JRE Tobacco’s umbrella, the brand was revamped into two new blends – a Habano and Maduro.
Rancho Luna originally made its debut in 2015 as a brand showcased by CLE Cigar Company. Early in 2016, Julio and Justo Eiroa formed JRE Tobacco Company and the Rancho Luna, Tatascan, and Aladino brands would follow them there. Since the sale of Camacho, Julio Eiroa has continued to own and operate the
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