Launched in 1935 by the H. Upmann factory as a tribute to the Count of Monte Cristo - the cigar smoking hero of Alexandre Dumas novel. Montecristo first just had 5 sizes in its line: I-V. Others were eventually and gradually added from the 1970s. Montecristo's balanced blend and distinguished aroma
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appeal to all level smokers making it the most popular brand in the world.
Montecristo is considered the most popular brand of Cuban cigars, and after smoking one you’ll soon see why. Montecristo cigars are perfect for novices and aficionados alike due to their medium-bodied strength and well-balanced flavours. While the flavour profiles vary between each cigar in the Montecristo line, Montecristo cigars tend to share the same natural woody flavour, with a spiced or bitter-sweet tang that makes the brand such a distinguished player in the cigar industry.
Montecristo is considered the most popular brand of Cuban cigars, and after smoking one you’ll soon see why. Montecristo cigars are perfect for novices and aficionados alike due to their medium-bodied strength and well-balanced flavours. While the flavour profiles vary between each cigar in the Montecristo line, Montecristo cigars tend to share the same natural woody flavour, with a spiced or bitter-sweet tang that makes the brand such a distinguished player in the cigar industry.
Launched in 1935 by the H. Upmann factory as a tribute to the Count of Monte Cristo - the cigar smoking hero of Alexandre Dumas novel. Montecristo first just had 5 sizes in its line: I-V. Others were eventually and gradually added from the 1970s. Montecristo's balanced blend and distinguished aroma
Number of Products: 47
Average Price: USD$ 43.64
Rating: 89.7% (150)