Original Series

7-20-4 Cigars was originally founded by R.G. Sullivan in 1874 but later Kurt A. Kendall, an old school cigar enthusiast, acquired and re-launched it. Kurt Kendall's revived the 7-20-4 Cigars and devoted himself in making it one of the finest blend available in the market. He crafted those using long
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filler tobaccos from a variety of Latin American countries namely, Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico and Columbia and a Costa Rican binder. These cigars come wrapped in a Brazilian Mata Fina wrapper hand picked by Kurt Kendall. As a result of all these combinations of long filler tobaccos 7-20-4 Cigars turned out to be a medium-bodied, smooth and flavorful cigar.
7-20-4 Cigars was originally founded by R.G. Sullivan in 1874 but later Kurt A. Kendall, an old school cigar enthusiast, acquired and re-launched it. Kurt Kendall's revived the 7-20-4 Cigars and devoted himself in making it one of the finest blend available in the market. He crafted those using long
Number of Products: 9
Average Price: USD$ 9.18
Rating: 88.7% (15)