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Quai d'Orsay

Quai d'Orsay
The Quai D'Orsay cigar brand was created in 1973 mainly to appeal to the growing French market. The French market was more open to the milder taste with a lighter wrapper hence why the Quai D'Orsay introduced there Corona cigars with a lighter shaded Claro Claro wrapper. As this fashion died out in the
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late 1980's so did the Corona Claro Claro, it was replaced by the Corona Claro. All Quai D'Orsay sizes are hand rolled in Cuba with a light tasting blend of leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region.
There are a few different stories speculating the route of the name, Quai D'Orsay. One is that the Cuban cigar name is taken from the famous Paris avenue of the same name, another is that the cigar name is a reference to the French Foreign Ministry that is located on this avenue. The last story is that the name is referring to the headquarters of SEITA (La Societe Nationale d'Exploitation Industriel de Tabac et Allumettes) which is also on the same avenue.
The Quai D'Orsay cigar brand was created in 1973 mainly to appeal to the growing French market. The French market was more open to the milder taste with a lighter wrapper hence why the Quai D'Orsay introduced there Corona cigars with a lighter shaded Claro Claro wrapper. As this fashion died out in the
Number of Products: 20
Average Price: USD$ 22.18
Rating: 90.4% (39)
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