Privada Cigar Club has launched a new collection of limited edition cigars under the name Subterraneo, some of which will be sold through its associated Limited Cigar Association retailers. The series is made up of 12 cigars, all of which are Nicaraguan puros that are made by A.J. Fernandez and use tobaccos
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from Fernandez’s farms. The company is releasing each cigar’s dimensions—all of which are parejos—as well as its wrapper variety, but no additional details about the blend.
What makes the series particularly unique is how the cigars are being released. The first two, Cobalum and Cobalumakna, were released via Privada Cigar Club’s January subscription box, though each box only contained one of the two cigars. Another cigar will be released in March via Privada’s Farm Rolled subscription. Two more cigars, Golden Eagle, which measures 7 x 40, and One-Eyed Boss, a 6 x 60 gordo, were released via Privada’s online store. According to a press release, the line gets its name from a story that explores the origin of Mayan mythology and fables the eponymous Subterraneo as the underworld responsible for regulating the nutrient content of the soils that make tobacco farming possible in Central America.
What makes the series particularly unique is how the cigars are being released. The first two, Cobalum and Cobalumakna, were released via Privada Cigar Club’s January subscription box, though each box only contained one of the two cigars. Another cigar will be released in March via Privada’s Farm Rolled subscription. Two more cigars, Golden Eagle, which measures 7 x 40, and One-Eyed Boss, a 6 x 60 gordo, were released via Privada’s online store. According to a press release, the line gets its name from a story that explores the origin of Mayan mythology and fables the eponymous Subterraneo as the underworld responsible for regulating the nutrient content of the soils that make tobacco farming possible in Central America.
Privada Cigar Club has launched a new collection of limited edition cigars under the name Subterraneo, some of which will be sold through its associated Limited Cigar Association retailers. The series is made up of 12 cigars, all of which are Nicaraguan puros that are made by A.J. Fernandez and use tobaccos
Number of Products: 14