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Sumatra Maduro

Sumatra Maduro
Founded by Dr. Gaby Kafie in 2013, Kafie 1901 cigars reflects Gaby’s long family association with Honduras but, also his attention to detail on everything from the cellophane to the box (he makes it all). 1901 signifies the year his ancestors moved to Honduras. Yes, Dr. Gaby Kafie is a real doctor,
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not just an academic one. He was a Sport Medicine and Podiatric Physician in Miami. Whilst he may not own any tobacco plantations, he owns everything else from cigar factory to cellophane production to making the cigar boxes and humidors.  
The Kafie 1901 tobacco is aged for a minimum of 3 years meaning that you should be tasting none of that “freshness” or ammonia found in some cigars. To quote Dr. Gaby Kafie, “The past 3 generations all shared one thing in common, a love for fine cigars. This brand represents the historical influence that "puro's" have had on our daily lives. Excellence takes time and patience to achieve. KAFIE 1901 Cigars was created for those that are looking for that classic, well-aged, flavourful cigar experience.” 
Founded by Dr. Gaby Kafie in 2013, Kafie 1901 cigars reflects Gaby’s long family association with Honduras but, also his attention to detail on everything from the cellophane to the box (he makes it all). 1901 signifies the year his ancestors moved to Honduras. Yes, Dr. Gaby Kafie is a real doctor,
Number of Products: 4
Average Price: USD$ 6.75
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