The American
Drew Newman created J.C. Newman’s Fourth Generation Cigar Company to honor the American cigar-making tradition by rolling world-class cigars in America using the finest heirloom American cigar tobaccos. The American was the first cigar brand rolled in J.C. Newman’s historic El Reloj factory when
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it opened in 1910 in Ybor City, Florida. A century later, The American has been reintroduced as a 100% American cigar, once again hand rolled in El Reloj.
This brand honors America’s cigar tradition by rolling world-class cigars in America using the finest American-grown, aged, heirloom tobaccos. From the tobacco to cigar molds to the wood cabinet boxes, everything is proudly grown and made in America. The American is a flavorful, medium-bodied luxury cigar. As an American puro, it has a unique taste, unlike any other cigar in the world. Its distinctive, earthy flavors are due to soils and climate of the Florida Sun Grown farm where The American’s exclusive Florida Sun Grown wrapper is grown and the cigar’s blend of aged Connecticut and Pennsylvania tobaccos. The American is hand crafted in four sizes and packed in classic wooden cabinets of ten cigars.
This brand honors America’s cigar tradition by rolling world-class cigars in America using the finest American-grown, aged, heirloom tobaccos. From the tobacco to cigar molds to the wood cabinet boxes, everything is proudly grown and made in America. The American is a flavorful, medium-bodied luxury cigar. As an American puro, it has a unique taste, unlike any other cigar in the world. Its distinctive, earthy flavors are due to soils and climate of the Florida Sun Grown farm where The American’s exclusive Florida Sun Grown wrapper is grown and the cigar’s blend of aged Connecticut and Pennsylvania tobaccos. The American is hand crafted in four sizes and packed in classic wooden cabinets of ten cigars.
Drew Newman created J.C. Newman’s Fourth Generation Cigar Company to honor the American cigar-making tradition by rolling world-class cigars in America using the finest heirloom American cigar tobaccos. The American was the first cigar brand rolled in J.C. Newman’s historic El Reloj factory when
Number of Products: 6
Average Price: USD$ 17.17
Rating: 87.9% (14)