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Ultimate Cigars Club by Carlos Nodal

Ultimate Cigars Club by Carlos Nodal
Carlos Nodal, the founder of Ultimate Cigars Club, grew up surrounded by cigarette legends and spent countless hours visiting tobacco plantations and cigar factories with his father, Rafael Nodal. In Ultimate Cigars Club the exotic variety of blends is very distinctive because their cigars are made with
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the rarest and most difficult to find tobacco leaves, which makes them exclusive and highly sought after. Their cigar production is usually reduced to ensure maximum quality and taste to the consumer, thus demonstrating their commitment to the smoker to provide an unforgettable experience.
Carlos Nodal, the founder of Ultimate Cigars Club, grew up surrounded by cigarette legends and spent countless hours visiting tobacco plantations and cigar factories with his father, Rafael Nodal. In Ultimate Cigars Club the exotic variety of blends is very distinctive because their cigars are made with
Number of Products: 19
Average Price: USD$ 9.49
Rating: 89.0% (1)
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