Zino Davidoff was an adventurer and a pioneer in the cigar world. He loved to discover and enjoy life to the fullest. Inspired by his personality, we have developed a cigar line that reflects his spirit and zest for life.
Discover the unique cigar experience with notes of dark chocolate, cream, coffee
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Discover the unique cigar experience with notes of dark chocolate, cream, coffee
and more – a fulfilling moment, ever so unique. The medium to full-bodied Zino Nicaragua Cigar is available in three formats that offer distinctive aromas of cedar wood, coffee and fresh spices.
Davidoff’s Zino Platinum brand is the latest line to undergo a rebranding, following the Camacho and Avo brands. Unlike Camacho which was a massive change or Avo which was a significant change, although one that would be easy for occasional smokers to miss. Around the beginning of October of 2020, they released a 2020 Limited Edition.
Davidoff’s Zino Platinum brand is the latest line to undergo a rebranding, following the Camacho and Avo brands. Unlike Camacho which was a massive change or Avo which was a significant change, although one that would be easy for occasional smokers to miss. Around the beginning of October of 2020, they released a 2020 Limited Edition.
Zino Davidoff was an adventurer and a pioneer in the cigar world. He loved to discover and enjoy life to the fullest. Inspired by his personality, we have developed a cigar line that reflects his spirit and zest for life.
Discover the unique cigar experience with notes of dark chocolate, cream, coffee
Discover the unique cigar experience with notes of dark chocolate, cream, coffee
Number of Products: 1
Average Price: USD$ 11.50