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General Cigar Etiquette

Every cigar smoker should have good manners.

Every cigar smoker should follow some general rules when lighting a cigar, being conscious, courteous and respectful of the people who are nearby.


We should not smoke or enter smoking into a closed space, especially if it is public. As well, if we smoke in a public place where it is allowed and we notice that we are bothering someone, we should keep in mind the possibility of moving to avoid discomfort or complaints.


When ash is about to fall, don't let it fall to the ground, instead look for an ashtray or a space dedicated to deposit it. Under no circumstances should we throw it in a trash can or container; they may have papers and start a fire.


If we settle down to smoke a cigar at a party or banquet, and we are the hosts, we can offer a cigar to the rest of the people who are with us at that moment. If we are a guest and no cigars are offered from others, lets refrain from smoking around groups unless you have the permission of the hosts. It is good to be prepared with a few cigars to share with other potential smokers when you are present at a public event where you plan to smoke.


According to experts, the humidifier, is like a personal diary. You don't open a persons cigar humidifier if its owner hasn't offered you one or given permission. If you are among cigar smokers and someone needs a lighter, offer your lighter, but lighting a cigar is a very personal process. They may ask you to light it for them, but if they dont, hand them the lighter and let them proceed with their own ritual.


If we are the hosts of a party, remove the ashes and remaining tobacco from the ashtrays frequently, since they produce a strong smell that can fill the entire room. It is also important to have courtesy lighters and cigar cutters.


And finally, at a dinner, we should not enjoy our cigar until coffee or digestive time, after finishing eating. Also, we should ask our companions, to know if it bothers them that we smoke, unless you are sure that all of the people that you have around are also smokers planning to smoke while eating.


Following these simple important rules we will maintain a good balance of courtesy and respect with the people around us at the moment we want to smoke a cigar.

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