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Colorado Claro

Colorado Claro
The Davidoff Colorado Claro Cigar is produced in very limited quantities, due to the rarity of the tobaccos used, and was created to cater to cigar enthusiast who seek an exceptionally elevated taste and experience. Henke Kelner, Davidoff’s Master Blender, based the blend on Davidoff's award winning
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Special Series, but swapped out the wrapper for a rare Ecuador Connecticut sun-grown leaf bringing a whole new flavor profile to Davidoff's meticulously crafted line of cigars.
The sun-grown Ecuadorian Connecticut seed Colorado Claro wrapper possesses a dark reddish brown hue that is bursting with notes of nut, leather, and an array of wood. The Davidoff Colorado Claro is a unique medium bodied cigar that is more robust and complex than most Davidoff cigars with the finest handmade Dominican cigars.
The Davidoff Colorado Claro Cigar is produced in very limited quantities, due to the rarity of the tobaccos used, and was created to cater to cigar enthusiast who seek an exceptionally elevated taste and experience. Henke Kelner, Davidoff’s Master Blender, based the blend on Davidoff's award winning
Number of Products: 5
Average Price: USD$ 27.40
Rating: 88.9% (8)
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