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A brand created by the legendary Zino Davidoff, who originally started producing cigars in Cuba circa 1969. The 1970's saw tremendous success for the Davidoff brand as cigar shops opened to the public all over the World selling what is was regarded as a premium and exceptional range of cigars crafted
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in the then new "El Laguito" factory in the suburbs of Havana. However, since 1991, production of all Cuban Davidoff’s was seized, which is when they switched to the Dominican Republic.The Davidoff brand embraces eight different ranges of premium handmade cigars, the exclusive Limited Edition, recently launched Zino Platinum Scepter Series, outstanding Millennium Blend, Aniversario Series, Grand Cru Range, Mille Range, Specials and Classic Range incorporating Davidoff Nos.1, No.2, No. 3 and Ambassadrice. The tobaccos used to make these different cigars are based on five different blends of tobacco each aged for at least four years to impart a smooth, refined and distinctive taste.
A brand created by the legendary Zino Davidoff, who originally started producing cigars in Cuba circa 1969. The 1970's saw tremendous success for the Davidoff brand as cigar shops opened to the public all over the World selling what is was regarded as a premium and exceptional range of cigars crafted
Number of Products: 191
Average Price: USD$ 32.48
Rating: 89.2% (369)
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