Theres a new brand from the Dominican Republic and its named after Queen Isabella, the Spanish monarch who commissioned the legendary voyage of Columbus. Cigar Aficionado
The original Alexander III, one of the first cigars in El Septimos portfolio to use a Connecticutseed wrapper, is getting a bold new spin. The cigars will debut at four instore events with Zaya Younan that begin on Nov. 19.
The ORTs release means that all six planned cigars have been released, each representing one of Cubas six original provinces. Like its predecessors, it features distinctive artwork by Edin Gutierrez celebrating Cubas easternmost original province.
Most of the time, a regional exclusive means creating a new vitola for a specific country. In this case, Joya added Brazilian mata fine tobacco to the Antaos filler blend.
After releasing a cigar for each of the 12 symbols on the Chinese Zodiac calendar, Davidoff is starting the calendar over again with a new Year of the Snake. For this release, there are three different cigars.